
Ten Steps to Establishing a Local Historic District

1.      Contact the Connecticut Commission on Culture & Tourism

In addition to substantial community dialogue about the feasibility and benefits of the LHD, local advocates should meet with the Connecticut Commission on Culture & Tourism (CCT) staff for guidance.

2.      Form and Appoint the Study Committee (CGS, Section 7- 147b (a))

The LHD Study Committee is appointed by the local legislative body or municipal officer, and includes five regular and three alternate members, all electors of the municipality.

3.      Prepare the Study Committee Report (CGS, Section 7-147b (b))

The Study Committee evaluates the historical and architectural significance of properties being considered and delineates proposed boundaries of the historic district.

4.      Submit the Study Committee Report for Initial Review (CGS, Section 7-147b (c))

The Study Committee submits a report and recommendations to the designated town planning and zoning authority and to CCT.

5.      Amend or Revise the Study Committee Report (CGS, Section 7-147b (c))

The CCT and the designated planning and zoning authority have sixty-five days to return comments.

6.      Invite Public Comment (CGS, Section 7-147 b (d) and (e))

After written notice is sent to property owners and two legal notices are posted in a local newspaper, the Study Committee holds a public hearing on the proposed LHD.

7.      Submit the Report and Recommendations (CGS, Section 7-147b (f))

The Study Committee submits a final report and recommendations to the local legislative body and the municipal clerk within sixty-five days of the public hearing.

8.      Conduct the Balloting of Property Owners (CGS, Section 7-147b (g) and (h))

Within sixty-five days after receipt of the Study Committee Report, the municipal clerk authorizes and issues ballots to all property owners in the district.

9.      Provide Balloting Results to Legislative Body of the Municipality for Action(CGS, Section 7-147b (i))

If two-thirds of the ballots returned are affirmative in support of the proposed district, the legislative body may (a) accept the report and enact the ordinance, (b) reject the report, or (c) return it to the Study Committee for revision.

10.   Implement the Ordinance (CGS, Section 7-147b (j))

The local Historic District Commission (HDC) is appointed by the local legislative body, and a copy of the ordinance is entered into local land records and indexed by the municipal clerk.