
Distribution of the Study Committee Report and Recommendations

Distribution of the Study Committee Report and Recommendations

As the Study Committee compiles the draft of its report, the committee should contactCCT and request that a staff representative schedule an on-site inspection of the proposed district or property.  CCT staff can meet with the Study Committee and identify any potential problems or weaknesses that might need to be addressed in the Study Committee Report. Early consultation with CCT will give the Study Committee the opportunity to revise or amend the report without being constrained by the subsequent sixty-five-day review period.

Prior to scheduling the local public hearing, copies of the completed Study CommitteeReport will be distributed to CCT, the municipal planning and zoning commissions (or combined planning and zoning commission), or, in their absence, to the chief elected official of the municipality. CCT and the local planning and zoning authority are allowed sixty-fivedays to complete their review and submit any comments and recommendations to the Study Committee. If no comments or recommendations are received from a reviewing agency within sixty-five days, then the Study Committee may assume endorsement of the report by that agency or commission.

CCT requires receipt of twenty-two copies of the report for distribution to departmental staff and to the Connecticut Historic Preservation Council (CHPC). Once the report is determined by CCT staff to be technically complete, formal consideration of the proposedLHD or LHP designation will be scheduled for the earliest possible monthly meeting of theCHPC.

Occasionally, CCT may require more than one month to schedule a report for consideration by CHPC. As a result of its review, CCT may recommend approval, disapproval, alteration (including boundary adjustments), or rejection of the proposed ordinance establishing the LHD or LHP.

Once the required agencies have had an opportunity to comment, the Study Committee will mail printed copies of the entire report, including comments and recommendations, to every owner of real property in the proposed LHD or LHP. The Study Committee Report must also available upon request at the municipal clerk’s office or by mail. The report may also be posted or summarized on the municipal web site.