


1.      Amending the Local  Historic District or Local Historic Property Boundaries

From time to time, the municipality may wish to enlarge or amend the boundaries of an existing LHD or LHP. The procedures for doing so are identical to those for designating anLHD or LHP, including the appointment of a Study Committee, preparation of a new report, a public hearing, and action by the local legislative body to adopt the amended local ordinance.  The existing HDC or HPC may be appointed as the Study Committee.

When additional property is proposed as an addition to the LHD or LHP, only the affected property owners within the boundary increase are entitled to vote, by the same method of balloting as outlined in the enabling statute (CGS, Section 7-147c (b)).

2.      Amending the Local Ordinance

HDCs or HPCs may need to amend or update the local ordinance to reflect changes in the character of the LHD or LHP or to bring the local ordinance into compliance with the current state enabling statute. The HDC or HPC may recommend amendments to the local legislative body for consideration and voting.

The local legislative body may also take the initiative to amend the ordinance directly provided that the amendments (1) have been submitted to the HDC or HPC for review and comment during a period of no more than sixty-five days, (2) do not involve a change in the boundaries of the existing LHD or LHP, and (3) do not involve the creation of a new LHP or LHD.

3.      Amending the Rules of Procedure

An HDC or HPC may amend its own rules of procedure from time to time by a majority vote or other procedures as described in the local ordinance. The new rules of procedure must be in compliance with the state enabling statute. All changes should be reviewed by the legal counsel of the municipality prior to being adopted by the HDC or HPC.