District Overview Inventory List District Map

Weston Center Historic District

LHD boundaries as described are approximate and subject to change. Consult the LHD Study Report on file with the relevant local district commission or municipal authority to verify district boundaries and whether a specific property, particularly one in proximity of a boundary line, is within the district. Also note that LHD boundaries may differ from those of State or National Register Districts.

Year of Establishment:
District Authority:
Historic District Commission
Link to Commission or Municipal Website:
District Character:
Town Center

The district includes seven private dwellings, one Town Hall and Firehouse, one church and adjoining structure, and one Town library. [2]

Architectural Style:

Early Republic/ Federal/ Greek Revival; Late 19th and 20th Century Revivals/ Colonial Revival

18th Century, 19th Century, 20th Century (Period of Significance: 1795- c. 1920)

The district boundaries were drawn to encompass the Weston Town Center, historically known as the Norfield town center during the: period of significance of the district (1795 - 1920). It includes all the historic resources associated with the development of this institutional center, clustered around the intersection of the Norfield and Weston roads (the latter State Route 57). The rural historic character of the area is conveyed by several barns and the stone walls which border most of the residential properties. Both historic and modern institutional buildings are grouped together along the north side of Norfield Road. The most prominent is the Norfield Congregational Church (64 Norfield Road), the centerpiece of a church-related complex. [NR]

Architecture, Social History:Weston Center Historic District comprises a group of stylistically integrated exceptionally well-preserved buildings that form a significant architectural entity which illustrates the development of the Town of Weston from 1795 to about 1920. A representative nineteenth century rural town center, the district reflects its period origins through Federal and Greek Revival architecture and achieves added significance for its Colonial Revival architecture, particularly those buildings which were remodeled in this style in the early twentieth century. Much of the significance and cohesiveness of the historic district is derived from its similarities of scale, materials, and design. This architectural integration was achieved over time by the repetition of similar architectural elements, some original to the buildings and others the result of historic remodeling, especially in the Colonial Revival style. This shared building history also demonstrates the extensive influence and underlying spirit of the Colonial Revival, a major twentieth-century architectural movement. A number of affluent Connecticut towns were revitalized in the early twentieth century. Town centers such as Weston's were transformed and idealized as typical New England towns. [NR]

[1] District information retrieved from the town website http://www.westonct.gov/.
[2] Weston Center Historic District, Report of the Historic District Study Committee, SHPO Library, Hartford.
[3] Assessors information and Parcel IDs retrieved from the website www.visionappraisal.com.
[NR] Cunningham Jan, Norfield Historic District, National Register Nomination Number- 91000955 NRIS, National Park Service, 1991 - http://pdfhost.focus.nps.gov/docs/NRHP/Text/91000955.pdf; http://pdfhost.focus.nps.gov/docs/NRHP/Photos/91000955.pdf.

The Norfield National Register Historic District includes the historic district established pursuant to state enabling legislation and was enlarged to include two related buildings at the north end (1A and 1B Hedgerow Common). [NR]

Date of Compilation:
Manjusha Patnaik, CT Trust for Historic Preservation